Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Kirchner's The Tiolette (Woman Before the Mirror)

This painting caught my eye due to its taboo art style and setting, which is not surprising since Kirchner was a post-impressionist. First off, usually, most objects would not have the same hue, let alone color, as the background, and walls and vanities are not often a dark blue. Using such a zest for these things is odd, but this is what I like about this painting. Another "odd" feature is the position in which the woman's arms are--if you tried to do a pose like this in real life, it is nearly impossible to do and, if achieved, would result in joint pain. Lastly, I like that the reflection's pose is different from the person looking into it. The woman's reflection appears hunched over with a hand to her cheek, whereas the woman herself is in no such position.

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