Thursday, March 12, 2020

Final- The Garden Joan Miro

After looking through some of the artwork and artists that we reviewed throughout the second half of this course, I found this one least appealing. I felt that it was very simple and I did not enjoy it to the same extent as the other pieces of artwork. Joan Miro's work here is very different and he definitely takes a different approach to surrealism than the other artists. This painting seems very simple to me, almost like something you would see in a children's book. Also when I think of surrealism I tend to think of more dark and irrational thoughts. This definitely follows the theme of creating strange creatures but it does not intrigue me like other surrealists work did.

Final Blog: Duchamp's Fountain

Duchamp's "Fountain" is my least favorite artwork that was shown throughout the course. Although his piece is defined as art, I do not see it as such. Art takes passion and effort; all Duchamp did was take an already-created urinal and write words on it. It may be original, but it should not have been viewed as a work of art worthy of getting exhibited for.

Final Post- Henri Matisse Woman with a Hat

My least favorite painting we studied this year is Henri Matisse Woman with a Hat. I don't like this painting because of its sloppiness. I personally don't like the green paint mixed into the face, I don't like how the paint doest stay in the lines of the drawing. Also, a lot of the colors give good contrast, there's to much green for me. I also don't understand the subject of the painting, to me, it is a useless photo. I also think the hat is stupid and sloppy the details of it get lost in the sloppy paint strokes. The only thing I like about this painting is the actual lady herself, I think her features make her look extremely realistic, unlike another artist who twists and contort human bodies. Other than that, I think the painting is sloppy and rushed, I believe this painting could have been beautiful if the right colors had been chosen

Final exam Post

One of my least favorite art works we learned about would be Dance, by Henri Matisse. I dislike this work because I do not like the figures. To me they don't catch my eye. I do not like how the figures are red. I also do not like the background of this art. It does no do the actual figures any justice. The plain blue back ground gives the painting a dark feeling to me. The grass on the bottom is too plain and not bright enough. I feel like the colors are very dark and nothing is eye catching. There could be more to the background and it could have been bright. I also wish we were able to see the figures faces. This would have made the painting more detailed to me. Just having the figures alone does not make the painting anything special. The name Dance makes it seem as if this painting would be bright and happy but to me doesn't seem that bright or happy.

Final Post: Marcel Duchamp - Fresh Window (1920)

I came across this work by Marcel Duchamp when looking at artists we discussed the second half of the class, and this particular piece drew absolutely no interest from me. Unlike some other pieces of Duchamp, like the toilet and the unicycle on the stool where he at least changed the basic appearance of the object to make it his own, all it seems he did or this was paint the glass on the window black. It is still just a basic window, and not really something unique that sets it apart from any other window. 

final post- bicycle wheel

Marcel Duchamp made this piece of art in 1913. It is called "bicycle wheel", it is a readymade that is now displayed at the MoMa. This is one of my least favorite pieces of art that we have looked at. I am not the biggest fan of Marcel Duchamp's work. I personally feel that he is taking the work of others, attaching random objects together, and putting his name on it. It is most definitely unique to think out of the box and place two random objects together. Although, I still do not think it is original, because again, he took a wheel off of a bicycle and attached it to a wooden stool. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to me. I would not pay for artwork like this.

Final Post- American Gothic by Grant Wood

I disliked this painting because it reminds me of a horror movie. I feel like these would be actors within a horror movie and that's not what I would like to see or think of when I'm looking at an art piece. I don't see anything enthusiastic or intriguing about this painting. The colors are very bland, there isn't anything that brings joy or life within the painting. I would prefer to look at a painting with different colors, something that grabs my focus.