Thursday, March 12, 2020

final post- bicycle wheel

Marcel Duchamp made this piece of art in 1913. It is called "bicycle wheel", it is a readymade that is now displayed at the MoMa. This is one of my least favorite pieces of art that we have looked at. I am not the biggest fan of Marcel Duchamp's work. I personally feel that he is taking the work of others, attaching random objects together, and putting his name on it. It is most definitely unique to think out of the box and place two random objects together. Although, I still do not think it is original, because again, he took a wheel off of a bicycle and attached it to a wooden stool. It doesn't look aesthetically pleasing to me. I would not pay for artwork like this.


  1. I am not a fan of Duchamp's art pieces as well. If he carved the stool and manufactured the bicyle wheel himself instead of taking already made ones, I would have admired it more. Although this is not the case, looking at this makes me view Duchamp as lazy and unoriginal.

  2. Hello Kelly,
    I understand that every artist aims for originality, however this style of art that Duchamp went with is not pleasing to me either. It is definitely original for random objects to be placed like this and named but I feel it lacks the meaning and inspiration that most pieces of art have.
