Wednesday, March 11, 2020

FINAL: Barnett Newman- Vir Heroicus Sublimis (1950-1951)

I personally really did not like this painting done by Barnett Newman. It is so plain and blase to look at. Nothing really pops out at you when looking at it besides a few lines. I even saw this picture in person on our trip to the MoMA and it still did nothing for me. I guess with all the other exotic, surreal, and awesome pieces of artwork we have looked at through the semester, to me this one fell short compared to all the rest. Mark Rothko did a similar style of painting, and is the most renowned of all the color field painters. I have the same opinion about Rothko's work as a color field painter, as I do for Newman. And that is that they are just plain and boring to me. I really enjoy when art pops and almost jumps off the page at you. It gives the piece so much more meaning and emphasis, but with this it is just dull and lifeless.


  1. I agree with you, I didn't really think this was an artistic piece. To me it looks just like a plain orange paper. The only thing i can maybe think about is the different size of lines within the piece. But in all i completely agree that this is not the best art-piece out there.

  2. I also agree that this painting is very dull and plain. I did see it at the MoMa as well and was not interested in it at all. The color field painters we studied were both boring to me, too and were very boring paintings with few colors.

  3. I also did not like this painting. To me it just looks like he painted the canvas orange. I believe that anyone can make a painting like this. When I saw this painting at the MoMA it did not stand out to me at all and I just walked pasted it.

  4. Have to agree with you on this. It almost looks like when a printer starts printing something and then at certain points it messes up, causing a break in the printing across the page. Doesn't seem like much thought was given when making this

  5. I have to agree with you on this Chris. I really dont like this painting at all. Its unoriginal, there is no subject matter to it and there is no point to the painting at all. The non straight lines going through the painting makes it look unorganized. I really just dont understand the art work itself.
