Thursday, March 12, 2020

Final exam Post

One of my least favorite art works we learned about would be Dance, by Henri Matisse. I dislike this work because I do not like the figures. To me they don't catch my eye. I do not like how the figures are red. I also do not like the background of this art. It does no do the actual figures any justice. The plain blue back ground gives the painting a dark feeling to me. The grass on the bottom is too plain and not bright enough. I feel like the colors are very dark and nothing is eye catching. There could be more to the background and it could have been bright. I also wish we were able to see the figures faces. This would have made the painting more detailed to me. Just having the figures alone does not make the painting anything special. The name Dance makes it seem as if this painting would be bright and happy but to me doesn't seem that bright or happy.


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  2. I agree with your comment Katie, I also dont like the figures. To me they look more like statues then regular humans. I also think that the wrong colors were chosen for this painting, the darkness of the background and the red from the figures gives it a very eery feeling to it. I also agree there is missing details which could have possibly made me like the art work more.

  3. Hello Katie,
    After reading your forum I agree with many points you made regarding this painting. I felt that it did lack detail. It is very simple and even the background is just green and blue, were these colors chosen to represent the sky and the grass? Or simple to just fill in the background of these figures. I also do not like that the faces are not shown and the few that are lack detail to the face. However I do like the poses and moves that the figures were drawn in.
