Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Final: Disliked Frida Kahlo artwork

This art piece I disliked the most in a few ways. One reason why I disliked this piece was the way Diego Rivera looked. His face looked very poorly painted and it looks weird to me. Diego's body itself looks weird. His body looks really flat with no shadows no nothing. Also to me Frida looks a little off mainly in the face and feet. Frida's feet is oddly small. Maybe it is just me but I feel like amiddle school child could paint this and make it look better than this.In all I just feel that Frida did not paint to her capability and feel this piece is more of a slacked piece rather than some of her greater known pieces.


  1. I agree that Diego's face and body are not aligned making him look as if his face is one way and his body is slightly tilted to the right. Maybe its the way his belt is placed, which could honestly be how he wore his pants which would support the face and body not matching. As far as her feet are concerned, I believe it may be a miscalculation on her part to have made them so small. Your entitled to your opinion, but to say that an average 13yo can paint at her level is a little stretch. Otherwise I agree that this is not her best piece.

  2. In spite of this painting being in Kahlo's regular art style, I agree that the disproportions of Diego and Frida are not flattering. Both their faces look ugly and are angled strangely.
