Wednesday, March 11, 2020

final exam post

I dislike this art piece by Marcel Duchamp because to be this is not pleasing to the eye or art that I would want to stare at forever. I also don't enjoy this artist's work and really don't understand how this can be considered art. To me, this is just a urinal with no significance to it. Some may interpret this differently and see the creativity and art in this piece but as for me I just can't understand it.     


  1. I agree with you Shannon, I wasn't a fan of this piece of artwork. Personally I don't find this to be art, and you're right I don't understand the signifance either.

  2. I have to agree with you here Shannon. I personally think this isn't really artwork. I mean it is very whimsical, inventive, and original. But for me it is just a urinal, not art. I do however like his work called "Bicycle Wheel." I saw that on our trip to the MoMA and it was so fascinating.

  3. I definitely agree with this, Shannon. I cannot understand how a material object that was made and manufactured by someone else could be "placed" in a certain position and called art.

  4. I do not find this to be art either. I think the only thing that Marcel Duchamp did was place it the way he did and called it art. I believe that if he wasn't already famous no one would consider this art

  5. I agree with you. If Duchamp invented the urinal, it would be cool for him to show off his invention in a form of art, but to me he just took someone else's work and made it into his own form of art.
