Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Fountain - Duchamp 1917

This is my absolutely least liked piece of art.  Although this is one of Duchamp's most famous artwork and it seen as an iconic piece, I find it to be a cheap way of displaying art.  His way of thinking out of the box made this one of the most absurd and brilliant pieces of art.  The concept of using something already made that he considered art was clever. Some deny that fountain is art but believe it is significant for the history of art and aesthetics. 
Although his piece changed art history, I find no beauty or inspiration from this urinal called art. He didn't make it nor design this piece.  I believe art should be an expression of feeling mixed with what one sees along with raw material and this is just not it.  It lacks fine artistry.  I feel that this was called art just because Duchamp said so. I am not impressed. 

Thomas, P. V., Galbreth, M., Feehan, A., Sampson, joel, Quaintance, D., & Nowakowski, T. (2017, April 10). "Fountain" At 100: An Interview With William Camfield. Retrieved from


  1. After reading your post, I find that you and I have a similar opinion about Duchamp Fountain. When it comes to evaluating this piece of art work, I personally don't find it to be that interesting of a piece. I understand that concept and how this is considered to be one of Duchamp's greatest art works but i think that by taking raw material and changing the context does not make it a visual or intellectual stimulating . Although it is unique in its own right, I do feel as thou it lacks expression and artistic appeal.

  2. I absolutely agree with your post about Duchamp and this painting. I find it unpleasant and I do not consider it to be art because it was not an original idea of his. When I think of art, I think about an artist coming up with an idea of his own and portraying it onto a canvas. I don't understand how one can look at this and call it art, there isn't anything to enjoy about it.

  3. I agree with this post. I think this is a cheap way of displaying art as well. There is nothing to this artwork. He just took a plastic object and signed it. He did not put any work or effort into creating this. I feel as if anyone can take something and mount it and say it is art. To me art is something you create not something you take and sing. To me this is not what I think of when I think of art.
