Thursday, March 12, 2020

Final Kandinsky Symphony of colors

One of my least favorite artists that we learned about in class was Kandinsky. I found all of his paintings to be busy and loud. Personally, I like simple paintings.  I also, thought his paintings were not true art. Even though Kandinsky was one of the first artists to make a painting like this, and art is all about originality, I found that anyone could make a Kandinsky painting. In addition, I didn't like Kandinsky paintings because there was no subject matter. One of the least favorite paintings that Kandinsky did was Symphony of colors. I did not like this painting because It looks like Kandinsky just threw paint onto his canvas. I also do not like this painting because there is no focus point. Everywhere you look in this painting has differnt movements. 


  1. I agree with you Morgan, I also thought Kandinsky's paintings were to busy and loud. I always though there was to much going on or he was doing to much. I also agree with you, the no subjects in paintings makes it hard for me to like the artwork. When there are no subjects to the painting then it doesnt make sense and its useless. Theres no story which makes it extremely hard to understand the artists' views and thoughts.

  2. I have to disagree with you. The artist’s use of color and form creates attention grabbing abstract art. Rather than using a subject, he used nothing but his mind to create his pieces, such as the one you posted, which in my opinion is very original. I personally like the various different colors and shapes he uses in his art. His lack of subject matter allows the one viewing his work to see each color and shape used in order to create his paintings.
